Saturday, April 6, 2013

   Well Good Morning there! Yeah, yeah. I know it's past 1:30pm but I am just getting up so Good Morning. Now say it back...Thank you. Haha. I'm kind of lazy. I LOVE my sleep. I need like 10 hours minimum to function so yeah. Whatever. 

   Today I've decided I'm going to share of the things I use to craft with. My supplies. Why not. I use a lot that probably most people do. Though who knows I might use something someway you've never thought of. It could happen. 

   So lets get started. I've decided to use lots of pictures. Never know someone might not know what something is. Though I'd feel really sorry for someone if they didn't. YOU NEEDZ TO CRAFT MORE! Okay moving along. 

   Buttons! Lots of buttons. Different sizes and different shapes. I love using buttons. They are great. You can just go ahead and glue them on or you can use some ribbon or something and tie them down. Whatever floats your boat. They are a great embellishment since you can get them in any color to match your theme. Must have in my honest opinion. 

   Glossy Accents. This is used to add that glossy glass like affect to things. Put some on over top, let it dry, and ta da! Glossy finish. I also use this to fill in my bottle caps once I have everything inside I want. Now for the part most people don't know about. I also use this as a glue! What? Yes, I use it as a glue. It is by far the best glue ever. You only need a little bit too because of how EPIC it is. A little dab and your golden. I use it to glue everything and anything. Minus the magnets on the back of my bottlecaps. Then I use some realyl smelly stuff. Ugh. It's in a blue tube the 9001 Clear stuff.  

   When using Glossy Accents as a glue I would recommend knowing exactly where you want to place something. Because once you have it down and push it down it's stuck. It's not coming back off without taking something with it. 

   Of course I use your basic modgepodge when I need to a lot of something down. Like the backgrounds to an ATC or something. Though I've found that your blue dries clear Elmer's glue stick works WAY better! It keeps your stuff from curling. 

   Also if you do use modgepodge or something and find out your stuff is curling....I have a secret. Take a piece of paper same size and shape. Take your Elmer's Gluestick and put it all over the piece of paper. Nice and good. Then stick it on your ever so curling piece. Then go and stick that under some books. Something heavy to flatten. When you go back later to it you'll find it's perfectly flat AND sturdy as hell! Awesomeness. 

   Now these ^^^^^^ I LOVE! I use them a lot as well. You can get them in any color, shade, shape, and size. They don't all look like this either. Some look like other flower species. Very cool. Also who said they had to be a solid color? I love them. Put that down and then take a flat back pearl or bling jewel and you've got a flower. Oh, don't forget a small button even a brad or eyelet will work! These also make great matchbox stuffers as well. Let's not forget extras to send to partners since they are flat they wont bulk your envie unless you send a ton of course. Haha. 


       Flat back pearls. These are lovely as well. They come in different sizes and colors as well. I love to use these as well. They give that extra little pop I think. I also like to use these for embellishing my matchboxes because they come in tiny sizes as well. Perfect size. Let's not forget about how perfect the tiny ones are for those inchies you are working on! Something tiny to go on a  tiny piece of artwork! Win win! I also use the regular ones as well. The non pearled ones along with the clearish ones too. 

   Don't forget about your chipboard cut outs either. Those are really nice and they add a little chunk to your work. I personally don't like just boring flat artwork. Let's get some dimension to it! Of course this stuff comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and what not. The possibilities are endless on this nifty supply.

   Since that chipboard looks like a high quality sticker I'm going to talk about those too. I LOVE stickers. Always have since I was a kid. So I use stickers too at times for my projects. However, I use the higher quality stickers. You know  the kind. They are the sticker that are like $2-$3 for a semi tiny sheet of stickers. The stickers people use for scrapbooking and what not. Yes, those stickers. Don't get me wrong some of the cheaper regular stickers work too. Though with high quality work you need high quality supplies, duh. 

   Acrylic Jewels. These are what add the bling to your crafts. So many colors, sizes, shapes, and they add that "Oh, shiny!" factor. Haha. Don't forget the round ones can be used as  the middle to those Prima Got paper flowers. Now these either come self adhesive or they don't. I'm lazy so I personally like the self adhesive ones but that wont stop me from buying what I want. Haha. This is where the glossy accents comes in real handy. It'll glue it down and make sure it's not moving. 

   BRADS! Lots of shapes, sizes, and colors. Again you use these as the centers of the Prima Got paper flowers. I like to also use them as  the handle for the matchboxes as well. These you can use just like buttons. Find a good place they fit and ta da. You've got some embellishment going. 

   Scrapbooking papers. Lots of colors and designs. Great to use for backgrounds or whatever. I also really love making my own envies out of these. Any size and shape. Really great for making some cute handmade envies. Who doesn't like something different then plain white envies in their mailbox!? 

   Ribbon! Lots and lots of ribbon. Again repeating myself. Different colors, designs, styles, and thickness. Love the stuff. Also don't forget about using that string people use for felting projects. That works great too. I love to take that and put it through a needle and sew around the edge of an ATC. Ah makes it look great. You know like in the image below......

    Now that idea of sewing around the edge was a fly of the moment idea. I wanted to do something different. I got tired of doing the same things. I wanted something different. So I thought hey I wonder if I could sew and ATC! So, I did it and love the technique. So have a lot of other people too. Oh by the way the theme to those ATCs were Altered Text. Make some kind of phrase or what not out of a bookpage. Those are fun! 

   Eyelets. These are fun to play with. Though I still have trouble getting them to go on nice and smooth. Ugh. Sometimes they come out craptastic. Grr.... Of course they come in different color and what not. Also you can use them to give that dangle factor to a charm or something. Sting the charm, wrap the string around the eyelet, then punch the eyelet into place, and ta da! Movement. It's great. Or you can string yarn or something through them. Whatever tickles your fancy. 

   Glimmer mist! This stuff is great. I love things that glimmer and sparkle. Also no one said you had to buy the kind that has the glimmer affect to it. They do make just plain boring ones. I love this stuff because it gives that spray affect to your artwork. Also it makes it shimmer. Win win. You can also make your own instead of buying them. Just check out YouTube and you'll see how. WAY cheaper. 
   Now of course there are TONS of other things to use for crafting. I'm just talking about my favorite things. If I keep going I'll be working on this forever. I mean hell in 15 minutes I will have been working on this for an HOUR already. Haha. 

   I'm pretty sure this is a good start to get your crafting supplies up to par and a lot of it is cheap. I mean buttons and ribbons are not hard to find nor will kill the bank. You can get scrapbooking paper by the  sheet if you want. Which is really cheap like only 59 cents or something for this big ones.  Of course make sure to always watch for the deals your local hobby lobby and Micheals is having. Don't buy it if you can wait for a discount. Also hitting some friends or family up for their extra doesn't hurt. Haha. That's how my button collection started. 

   So get creative and cause some chaos. You have to get into some trouble to have some fun! 



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