So, yeah. I seem to have fallen off my blog completely. Haha....yeah so much for sticking to it. Though sadly the past months of not blogging I've done really nothing creative. I live in a 2 bdrm small ass apartment. My "Crafting" table was our kitchen table I took over. Well I had to choose between crafting or penpalling. Yeah well my penpalling won.
You might sit there and go "Well, Jackie clean your shit up every time when you are done and you wont have to worry about mess." Dude......have you seen what I craft? There is no "clean" way to craft. Creative Chaos is my blogs title for a damn reason. My Flickr for your enjoyment When I do craft craft I get all kinds of down and dirty. Yeah, I should clean up after. Know what happens? Oh shiny! Off to something else. LOL Anywho, who cares. Don't judge me! Come clean for me!
So yeah. I did happen to do a bit of crafting though. I got addicted to Pinterest again. Yay cellular devices! Since I missed crafting I decided to look up some penpalling fun. I found some cute things too.
^^ An idea from Pinterest I made. I've got the crafting stuff and what not so why not. Also I figured it would be something fun for my penpals to enjoy. I also found other versions and tried them as well.
^^ Now the above version is big enough to fit my 4x5 kawaii memos inside without htem getting ruined. As well as my kawaii letter paper folded in half just fine. Not to mention the two mini envies inside hole kawaii sticker flakes and the mini kawaii memos. Everything nice and safe while adding extra fun for my penpal.
^^ A mini version. Made two mini envies and glued them together. Inside kawaii sticker flakes and mini kawaii memos. Tadah! Easy to make. Anyone can do it.
^^ Now this one is one of my FAVORITE to make! I love this idea. Two larger envies put together. With two mini envies on the inside and a little note. So many goodies can be added to this for your penpals to enjoy. I make these more then anything now. The hardest part? Stopping because once you get to making them OMG how to stop. So quick and easy. Stickers, washi tape, decotape, and so much more can be used to add detail to these. Or you can send them plain like this one. Looks pretty damn cute to me still. You don't have to be an expert to have fun and craft something special. Just glue some envies together and you're in business.
^^ See another version. This one has an extra envie though! Wow! See how easy that is. Haha. Now before anyone ask. I made my own envies templates. What ya do is easy peasy. I swear. Take an envie you have. Store bought whatever. Take your (insert choice of crafting knife) and CAREFULLY and SLOWLY peel apart the envie. If you mess up a bit who cares. As long as you have the majority of the envie shape you are good. Tadah! Now you have an envie template. If you want to clean it up a bit and make it sturdy get some cardstock and trace it on there. Now you've got a template that will last a bit longer then some flimsy piece of paper. The same can be done with the mini ones. If you need a template just go to the google machine and find one. I was lucky and penpal sent me some templates for different sized mini ones.
Or you know craft stores sell the fancy envie maker things. I thought hardcore about getting one. It would have been easier. However, every time I went to the store to get one I bought other stuff....we all know how that goes. Or when I went to actually buy it for once something else came up and there went that idea.
The point to all this rambling and showing off is: Crafting is NOT hard. We make it harder then it has to be. We over think things. We don't believe in ourselves and that we can do it. Craft paper and washi tape is all you need really. Hell just craft paper. No one said they had to be all decorated. After all you are the one making things because you want to.
So yeah tadah! Ways to make penpalling more fun! You'll enjoy it and so will your penpals. If anything it makes for cute mail if you decide to only make your own envies!