Okay. Today is kind of different from what I normally talk about. But hey I'm chaotic and this is a creative way to get people active.
What comes to mind when you see, read, or hear about a 5k run? Well I know I get sleepy right away. Like OMG! Who would do that? Why? I can run when I want to but I'm not running anywhere. Haha. Maybe in my dreams.
What about a Color Run though? Anyone up for a Glow Run? WTH are those? Awesomeness that's what. Someone came up with creative as hell ways to get people on the move. No, you don't have to run. You can jog or walk. It's not timed. So who cares. These are meant to have FUN!
Color Run Is one I'm loving right now. Though I've never done one sadly. Though just by looking at it and the pictures and what not OMG! They even have a facebook page. Yes, I know almost everyone and anyone who is reading this right now has a facebook page. So yeah here is there facebook page: Color Run FB Check it out. LOTS of pictures. They have them ALL over. It's like huge!
Glow Run Is another good one. I'm going to actually do this one. OMG!? I know right. Haha. It was either the Color Run or the Glow run. I was more for the Color Run but right now financial wise I can afford the Glow Run. However, I will be back for you Color Run! They also have a facebook page too: Glow Run FB Another must check out.
Now the Glow Runs don't seem to be as popular as the Color Runs? They don't have as many sites posted. I don't know. Maybe the just do less bigger ones? Though Color Run does Tours so...I don't know. They both look fun and something to do. You don't have to run. These are not timed events. At the finish line you have more fun! Like a little party.
You can go solo or with a friend or two. However if you plan to go have a party with your friends go in packs of 4. You can register as a group and you get a discount when you register. More fun for less! So if you can talk some friends from getting off their bums do it. Steal their game controls, paint brushes, or whatever and tell them they can get them back after the run.
Also there is no age requirement for these. Anyone can go. Get your kiddo in that walker or roll grandma out of bed and into the wheelchair! Make it a family event if you can. Don't forget to take pictures of your fun times! Then you show all your friends who didn't go what a hell of a time they missed out on!
So there ya go. That's my new thing. Haha. I've been working out lately to try and not be as lazy. Haha. So I figured why not have some fun with and do a run. That's what I found. Be chaotic while other are figuring the creative part out. Either way it's still Creative Chaos!
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