Friday, March 22, 2013

   Alright Day two of this new blog thing. Woots. Yesterday was easier then I thought so today shall be even easier right? 

   Yesterday I left off talking about ATCs and Matchboxes. How fun was that? I think today I'll talk a little about Altered Rolos. Now, some people have no idea what a rolo even is. However, the older you are you'll know exactly what I am talking about. No, I am NOT talking about the rolo candy. Though that is some good stuff right there. Rolo is short for Rolodex. Now do you know what I am talking about? No. 

   ^ That is a rolodex. You use it to store useful information that our cell phones now do. Names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and all that other good stuff. What does that have to do with crafting? Lots. You take the paper part of the rolodex and alter it into something else. What's nice about rolos is you can go off the edge.

   Not something I didn't explain about ATCs yesterday I totally brain farted on was you want to keep your crafting on the actual ATC. You don't want to go off the edges. Why? A lot of people like to put them in the binder sleeves. Makes sense right? Well if you figured that all out on your own kuddos to you! 

   Now to continue on with rolos. With rolos you can go off the top and a little off the sides. Why? Well look for yourself at the top picture. You can have room to spare. Nothing really blacking off the extra goodies you put on it. 

   Now this rolo I made for a swap. A.R.T.(USA)~April/Butterfly Rolo. See how I went off the top and side a little? Extra room to be creative! Awesome right? They are pretty much like ATCs. The sky is the limit do what you want. The only tricky part is the notches. See the two notches at the bottom? Those should be facing down on the front. That way when you go through your rolos you see the fronts of your rolos. Then when you flip it over to the back they notches should be on top. Again this has to do with flipping through your rolodex. The info on the back will be facing you right side up. Instead of upside down.

   So, I've gone on rambling about ATCs, matchboxes, and now rolos. What shall we talk about now? Oh I know...INCHIES! Those little buggers gave me a hell of a time when I first started making them. Why you ponder? Inchies are 1x1 inch. Yes. That's all the room you get. 1 inch x 1 inch. Nothing more nothing less.  Inchies you can have some fun and go a little off. However it needs to be stick to mostly 1x1. Your embellishments are what I'm talking about being able to go off a little. Like a tiny feather or something that sticks slightly off.

   Once you get past your nervousness of trying to figure out how to add detail to a 1x1 area they are really easy to make. They are tiny so not a lot of work has to go into them. Unless you want of course. Though remember. Sometimes more is not always better. You don't want it looking like a hot mess of chaos.

   ^ Inchies. The picture on the left is the inchies of course. Well duh you knew that. See. Simple and easy to do. Those inchies were my very first set. They were for a swap called Inchies for Beginners. Go figure. Haha. You can add anything onto them just like everything else I've talked about. Stickers, ribbon, brads, feathers, buttons, flat gems, paint, straing, and everything else. Just don't STICKER SLAP! Never sticker slap anything. You are better then this. 

   The little picture on the right of my inchies is a spur of the moment set of tiny envelopes I made for my inchies to go into during shipping. 

   Since we are talking about inchies I should talk about another tiny creative item. An Inchie Book! They are just so darn cute and easy to make. 


    ^ That is an inchie book. Will fit almost any inchies nicely. I say almost any because your inchies that have some bulky embellishments to them will make it a little hard to close up. It's just like a book. So yeah. The thicker something is they harder it will be to close your book. You can use the Blizzard Book Layout to make an inchie book. Just make it smaller. Ta da! Inchie book. The on the edge of the binder cut a little slit on each side and you can put some ribbon through it. Fun, quick, and easy to make.

   Well that was fun rambling I had for today. So far I've talked about 4 out of 5 crafts I do all the time. There are other crafts I do I'll ramble on about later. Though I don't do them as much. Heck, maybe I'll even share a few techniques I use to make something look a certain way. Those are always the fun messes. Who doesn't enjoy making a mess? it's just the cleaning up part that sucks. But, it's never a mess when it comes to creativity it's just Creative Chaos!

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